Friday, January 24th, 2025

Avish Parashar, author of, Improvise to Success!, says you can plan to your heart’s content—and then life throws changes at you. He says you can improve your success by learning how to improvise and flow with those changes. Avish reveals the secrets of improvisational comedy techniques that anyone can employ, every day, to be more […]


Mark Hunter on What Your Sales Manager Won’t Tell You


Speaker, consultant, and top sales blogger, Mark Hunter (The Sales Hunter), says the current sales environment has revealed to many sales VPs that their sales organizations are really order-taking customer service organizations. Mark challenges senior executives to make the tough, important changes in their sales organizations that will enable them to grow their businesses, including: […]


Brett Clay, award-winning author of Selling Change and the host of The Actuation Zone, talks with Jim Blasingame, host of the Small Business Advocate radio show about small business marketing.  Jim says small businesses must profile and target their customers, rather than trying to pursue every name in the phone book. Brett talks about the […]
