Thursday, October 10th, 2024

What is Your Return on Relationship?

Ted RubinTed Rubin, Chief Social Marketing Officer at Collective Bias and the author of the upcoming book, “Return on Relationship”, discusses current marketing trends including: what is “return on relationship, mistakes many marketers are making today, how marketers can leverage other resources to greatly expand their effectiveness, and other ways you can more effectively market your business.


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Manage Your Time and Balance Your Work and Life

Jeff DavidsonJeff Davidson, “The Work-Life Balance Expert®,” and author of Breathing Space, says workers can increase their productivity by letting go of the notions of multitasking and interrupt-driven activities. He also discusses the “power of completions” and how it can help you achieve balance and productivity. Listen as Jeff challenges you to reevaluate your daily activities.



How You Can Be a Highly Effective Leader

Barry PosnerBarry Posner, PhD, professor of management at Santa Clara University and co-author of Credibility, The Leadership Challenge (which has sold 2 million copies), and many other award-winning books, says the practices of effective leaders are universal and timeless. Listen to this information-packed interview with one of the “Ten Most Influential Thinkers” in the world, according to HR Magazine.



Discipline and Delayed Gratification Are Keys to Success

Joachim De PosadaJoachim De Posada, PhD, author of Don’t Eat the Marshmallow, Yet describes the results of an important Stanford University psychology experiment that highlights key personality factors that determine success or failure in life. Listen as De Posada, who immigrated to the USA during the Fidel Castro Cuban revolution, describes the principles you can employee to succeed in business.



Grow Your Business Using Twitter and Return on Relationship

Ted RubinTed Rubin, Chief Social Marketing Officer at Collective Bias and Social Marketing Strategist for MARS Advertising, is one of the most-followed CMO’s on Twitter. He says the true value of Twitter & social media is engaging & building relationships & emotional connections with people–a principle he calls “return on relationship”. Listen as he reveals how he has built hundreds of thousands of Twitter followers for his brands.



Succeed When Times Are Up, Down, or Sideways

Mark SanbornMark Sanborn, author of Up, Down, or Sideways, The Fred Factor, You Don’t Need a Title to be a Leader, and other best-selling books, discusses the success principles that helped him weather difficult times over the last several years, including surviving cancer. He says two of the most important principles are 1) “I may not be the best, but I always give my best,” and 2) “Make the most of every moment of every day.” Are you giving your best and living every moment? Listen as Mark Sanborn inspires.



Confidence Is Your Rocket Fuel

Tim SandersTim Sanders, author of Today We Are Rich, says you can improve your performance by harnessing the power of “total confidence”. He says total confidence comes from 1) believe in yourself, 2) trust your team, 3) having faith in a higher purpose or higher power. Sanders says finding passion is nice, but having a purpose in the service of others is essential. He shows teams how to instill a solutions-oriented, promise-keeping culture of highly confident and innovative people.



Social Media Is Dead, Social Business Is In

Gerhard GschwandtnerGerhard Gschwandtner, host of the Sales 2.0 Sales and Marketing Conference, says companies are tired of talking about social media, which has been a business-to-consumer marketing channel. He says we’re now entering the era of “social business,” which he defines as business-to-business marketing that aligns content, conversation, and collaboration around strategic business goals.


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The New Relationship Marketing, Not Just One-to-One

Mari SmithMari Smith, author of The New Relationship Marketing, says the traditional concept of relationship marketing has changed from one-to-one relationships to building relationships with entire communities. Engaging with communities is not simply a matter of putting up a Facebook page, however. Mari describes where companies should be investing in their marketing and discusses best practices for building these capabilities into your own marketing.



Reinvent Your Management Model to Stay Competitive

Julian Birkinshaw, PhD, London Business School.Julian Birkinshaw, PhD, author of Reinventing Management, Smarter Choices for Getting Work Done ,” says most companies are operating with management principles dating back to the Industrial Revolution. However, in today’s era of light-speed communications and global competition, companies’ management systems must be optimized for innovation and agility, rather than efficiency. Listen as Professor Birkinshaw describes how to make smarter management choices.



Leadership and Economics Lessons From the US Naval Academy–and Dogs!

Mary Kelly, PhD.Mary Kelly, PhD, author of Mastering Your World, 15 Dog-Inspired Leadership Lessons to Improve Productivity, Profits, and Communication,” has been teaching economics and management in the US Navy for 21 years. She also trains dogs and horses. In this interview Mary discusses the similarities between training dogs and humans. She also discusses the economics of a scarcity mindset and reveals one of the most important litmus-test questions you can ask as a manager.



Find Your Core to Improve Performance and Happiness

Dov Baron, creator of the C.O.R.E. Affluence SystemDov Baron, creator of the C.O.R.E Affluence System and author of “Don’t Read This: Unless You Want to Make More Money“, says you must take two critical actions to be truly effective and happy. First, you must find your inner “core” self. Second, you must let go of your fears. Listen-in as Dov describes these and other principles he coaches to his highly affluent clients. Dov is an amazingly inspirational and motivational coach!

