Thursday, January 23rd, 2025

Avish Parashar, author of Improvise to Success, demonstrates how to use improvisation techniques to dramatically improve your problem solving and influence. He starts by demonstrating the devastating, log-jamming effect of the word “but” and finishes by demonstrating a technique to facilitate collaboration. Every manager and leader should study improv!   Available in HD and […]


Scott Halford, author of Be A Shortcut, says we can greatly improve our performance if we are aware of how our brain works. For example, he says our brains quickly become overloaded with too many orders. So, dividing tasks into smaller pieces and then focusing on them sequentially will improve our stamina and performance. He […]


Bill Kenower, author of the novel, One Year in Jeopardy, and editor-in-chief of Author magazine, says the essence of humanity is to be creative and that we are the most creative, productive, and successful when we focus exclusively on the experience of the moment. By continuously asking ourselves, “What can I make?” and “What can […]


Michael Fraidenburg, president of “The Cooperation Company,” a consulting firm specializing in alternative dispute resolution, and author of the book, ”Intelligent Courage,” provides powerful tips for resolving disagreements and closing deals. Perhaps the best gem is his 3-step process: 1) observe the emotion, 2) identify the needs driving the emotion, 3) convert the needs into […]


Hersh Shefrin, Professor of Finance at Santa Clara University’s Leavey School of Business, and author of The Management Illusion is a pioneer and leading expert in the area of behavioral finance. Professor Shefrin studies the psychological barriers and biases that plague human decision making. He says that “healthy” corporate cultures help managers avoid the pitfalls […]


Dr. Deepak Chopra talks about the “soul of leadership”. Dr. Chopra says a leader harnesses the collective consciousness of followers and he uses the acronym “L.E.A.D.E.R.S.” to describe crucial leadership skills. L.E.A.D.E.R.S. = Look and Listen, Emotional Bonding, Awareness, Doing, Empowerment, Responsibility, Synchronicity. Available in HD and full screen: Click Here


Host, Brett Clay, explains what The Actuation Zone is all about and why you should tune in! While the Actuation Zone explores a wide range of topics including leadership, management, sales, and professional development, the underlying theme is “putting change into motion.”
