Saturday, February 22nd, 2025

Jeff Davidson, “The Work-Life Balance Expert®,” and author of Breathing Space, says workers can increase their productivity by letting go of the notions of multitasking and interrupt-driven activities. He also discusses the “power of completions” and how it can help you achieve balance and productivity. Listen as Jeff challenges you to reevaluate your daily activities. […]


Joachim De Posada, PhD, author of Don’t Eat the Marshmallow, Yet describes the results of an important Stanford University psychology experiment that highlights key personality factors that determine success or failure in life. Listen as De Posada, who immigrated to the USA during the Fidel Castro Cuban revolution, describes the principles you can employee to […]


Mark Sanborn, author of Up, Down, or Sideways, The Fred Factor, You Don’t Need a Title to be a Leader, and other best-selling books, discusses the success principles that helped him weather difficult times over the last several years, including surviving cancer. He says two of the most important principles are 1) “I may not […]


Tim Sanders, author of Today We Are Rich, says you can improve your performance by harnessing the power of “total confidence”. He says total confidence comes from 1) believe in yourself, 2) trust your team, 3) having faith in a higher purpose or higher power. Sanders says finding passion is nice, but having a purpose […]


Dov Baron, creator of the C.O.R.E Affluence System and author of “Don’t Read This: Unless You Want to Make More Money“, says you must take two critical actions to be truly effective and happy. First, you must find your inner “core” self. Second, you must let go of your fears. Listen-in as Dov describes these […]


Brian Tracy, author of 45 books on leadership, selling, self-esteem, goals, strategy, creativity and success psychology, says change is inevitable and there are four basic ways to respond to it. He also says that setting and pursuing goals helps us respond to and even lead change.   Available in HD and full screen: Click […]


International banker, H.T. Narea, author of the financial thriller novel, The Fund, says the American financial system has several fundamental problems and vulnerabilities that need to be addressed. His novel tells the apocalyptic story of what could happen if these risks are not mitigated. Interestingly, he says the most fundamental issue is the education and […]


Greg Giesen, author of Mondays at 3, and host of the Leading From Within radio show, says we can greatly improve our performance if we consistently receive coaching. He also says we should take time each week to reflect on our priorities and our learnings. Then, we should write them down so we remember them […]


Bill Kenower, author of the novel, One Year in Jeopardy, and editor-in-chief of Author magazine, says the essence of humanity is to be creative and that we are the most creative, productive, and successful when we focus exclusively on the experience of the moment. By continuously asking ourselves, “What can I make?” and “What can […]


Dr. Deepak Chopra talks about the “soul of leadership”. Dr. Chopra says a leader harnesses the collective consciousness of followers and he uses the acronym “L.E.A.D.E.R.S.” to describe crucial leadership skills. L.E.A.D.E.R.S. = Look and Listen, Emotional Bonding, Awareness, Doing, Empowerment, Responsibility, Synchronicity. Available in HD and full screen: Click Here


Mark Sanborn, the best-selling author of The Fred Factor, The Encore Effect, and You Don’t Need a Title to Be a Leader says nobody can prevent you from choosing to be extraordinary. To be extraordinary and to enjoy true success, requires a focus on helping others and helping them satisfy their needs, says Mark.


Scott Ginsberg, author of Make a Name for Yourself, has made a name for himself, literally, by wearing a “Hello, My Name is Scott” name tag for 3,623 days and counting. Listen as he talks about how he’s upgrading to Scott v3.0, how to bridge the generation X-Y gap, the importance of avoiding labels, how […]
