Tuesday, February 18th, 2025

You Can’t Save Your Way to Prosperity, You Must Sell Your Way

Grant Cardone photoGrant Cardone, author of the forthcoming book, If You Are Not First, You are Last, and a regular contributor on Fox and Friends, Business Week, and The Huffington Post, busts the myth that you can save your way to prosperity. He says the current economic environment presents the perfect opportunity to grow your business—but, only if you focus on selling. He also says you can only grow through “only practices”. What is that? Listen to find out!



2 Responses to “You Can’t Save Your Way to Prosperity, You Must Sell Your Way”
  1. Joy Luke says:

    I’m selling cars my way – I’m just using a lot of contacts – I make between 50 – 250 phone calls every day, most to previous customers whose last purchase is 3 years ago. I’ve started a mail campaign by mailing a hand-written thank-you note to each contact I make daily at the dealership. I’m finding the little touches are making a big difference. Aren’t we all just humans after all, even when we are buying a product. I even go to lunch with my customers(at their insistance). The biggest barrier for me in selling was fear and it was a big one. The more relaxed I am, the smoother my sales presentation goes. The more honest I am, the better my customers relate to me. I’ve discovered I can sell on days that I may feel emotionally a little down, or even if I’m a little nervous. If I just open up and admit what I’m feeling, my customers are quick to empathize with me and help me sell them my car. Being myself has opened up a world of opportunities for me. Just wish I had realized all of this sooner.


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