Friday, March 14th, 2025

Seth Kahan, Wall Street Journal best-selling author of Getting Change Right, says the traditional approach of top-down, command-and-control is not effective. Company executives often make the mistake of mandating change initiatives—and they fail spectacularly. To get change right, Seth says leaders must have “conversations” with “most valuable players” in the organization and form “performance communities” […]


Jeff Koser, co-author of Selling to Zebras, says you can close 90% of the business you pursue. How? By only investing your time and resources pursuing zebras. What’s a “zebra”? A zebra is a prospective customer that scores high on your qualification criteria. Jeff says, “Don’t waste your time and resources hunting deals you can’t […]


Patrick Snow, best-selling author of Creating Your Own Destiny, has vowed to never let his financial stability depend on another company. He says the only way to do that is to be an entrepreneur. But, he warns, don’t give up your day job, just yet. Discover your passion and turn it into a business over […]


Ken Thoreson, managing partner at Acumen Management Group, Ltd, says sales managers need to create an environment of professionalism throughout their sales organizations. Professionalism starts with the attitudes and behaviors that sales managers display. Ken says managers need to focus on three key factors to run an organization professionally and to meet the goals of […]


John Hughes, founder and principal of Growthwave, a management consulting firm providing interim-CIO (chief Information Officer) services, CIO coaching, and CEO advisory services, says CIOs must be business leaders rather than technologists. Often CIO’s become occupied with managing technology staff and implementations and they lose sight of goals of the business. For CIOs and their […]


Grant Cardone, author of the forthcoming book, If You Are Not First, You are Last, and a regular contributor on Fox and Friends, Business Week, and The Huffington Post, busts the myth that you can save your way to prosperity. He says the current economic environment presents the perfect opportunity to grow your business—but, only […]


Norm Levy, CEO of Strategic Development Corporation and the author of The Seven Questions of Business Strategy, says having a clear strategic intention is critical for driving your business growth. Strategy is as much about deciding what NOT to do as what TO do. So, with 27 years as a strategy consultant, Norm says the […]


Mike Coraluzzi, the president of No-Time Marketing Systems, LLC and the host of the Extreme Business Growth radio show, says 2010 could be your best year ever. Mike says companies can double their business by honing their focus and matching their marketing to it — at a time when most companies are pulling back and […]


Matt Youngquist, a prominent Seattle-area career counselor, says job seekers must reinforce their relationships and keep up with technology to be competitive in today’s job market. He recommends caution when considering wholesale career changes and says one must carefully choose between the strategy of developing a skill portfolio vs a skill specialization.


Peter Clayton, host of Total Picture Radio talks with Brett Clay about the roles of selling and change in people’s careers. Peter argues that everyone must think of him/herself as a sales person. Brett talks about what that means and how to do it. Check out more of Peter Clayton’s informative podcasts at!   […]


Host, Brett Clay, explains what The Actuation Zone is all about and why you should tune in! While the Actuation Zone explores a wide range of topics including leadership, management, sales, and professional development, the underlying theme is “putting change into motion.”
