Sunday, February 23rd, 2025

Barry Posner, PhD, professor of management at Santa Clara University and co-author of Credibility, The Leadership Challenge (which has sold 2 million copies), and many other award-winning books, says the practices of effective leaders are universal and timeless. Listen to this information-packed interview with one of the “Ten Most Influential Thinkers” in the world, according […]


Julian Birkinshaw, PhD, author of Reinventing Management, Smarter Choices for Getting Work Done ,” says most companies are operating with management principles dating back to the Industrial Revolution. However, in today’s era of light-speed communications and global competition, companies’ management systems must be optimized for innovation and agility, rather than efficiency. Listen as Professor Birkinshaw […]


Mary Kelly, PhD, author of Mastering Your World, 15 Dog-Inspired Leadership Lessons to Improve Productivity, Profits, and Communication,” has been teaching economics and management in the US Navy for 21 years. She also trains dogs and horses. In this interview Mary discusses the similarities between training dogs and humans. She also discusses the economics of […]


Rod Brooks, Chief Marketing Officer of PEMCO Mutual Insurance, says the new reality of marketing and sales is that customers are in control of your brand. To win in the marketplace, companies must reorganize their mission and operations around that reality. Brooks says “the voice of the customer” has become PEMCO’s most important strategic initiative. […]


Ruby Newell-Legner, an internationally recognized expert in customer service, has presented over 2000 programs in 11 countries and counts the Burj Al Arab, known as the only 7 star hotel in the world, among her clients. Listen as she reveals her 7 steps to 7 star service in this informative seminar. Improve your service and […]


Avish Parashar, author of Improvise to Success, demonstrates how to use improvisation techniques to dramatically improve your problem solving and influence. He starts by demonstrating the devastating, log-jamming effect of the word “but” and finishes by demonstrating a technique to facilitate collaboration. Every manager and leader should study improv!   Available in HD and […]


Greg Giesen, author of Mondays at 3, and host of the Leading From Within radio show, says we can greatly improve our performance if we consistently receive coaching. He also says we should take time each week to reflect on our priorities and our learnings. Then, we should write them down so we remember them […]


Male Speaker: The actuationzone.combrought to you by Brett Clay: Hi.This is Brett Clay. I’m here with Gerhard Gschwandtner the CEOSelling Power Magazine and the conference host of the Sales 2.0 Conference here in– that was held just now in San Francisco, California.Hi, Gerhard. Gerhard Gschwandtner: Hi, Brett. Brett Clay: Gerhard, tell us what do you — what’s the biggest change that’shappening in sales today? Gerhard Gschwandtner: There are a lot ofchanges and everybody’s a little bit worried about what will happento them in the future. Let me let the cat out of the bag.Of the 18 million sales people that are employed across the United States today,those jobs will more often transform and what we have been doing todayis going to disappear. And by 2020 there will be only about3 million sales jobs left. Brett Clay: So those are three millionof the 18 million jobs that exist today. Gerhard Gschwandtner: Right.Brett Clay: And so of the people that doing what they’re doing today onlythree million will be left. The other 15 million willbe doing something else. Gerhard Gschwandtner: Absolutely, andthere’s a new breed of sales person of which I called Sales 2.0 Person.Sales people need to move up online and they need to be very skilled inusing the web, using social media. And 70 percent of all purchasing decisionsare already made online before they actually see a sales person. So the big challenge is if sales peopleare not where the customers are which is on the web, then you’re going to lose. Brett Clay: So what were the big ideas that– you’ve been running the Sales 2.0 Conference for three years now, I believe,so now it’s sort of getting mature in a way. What are the new ideas this year versus,say, last year? Gerhard Gschwandtner: Well, I wouldn’tsay that Sales 2.0 is an immature state. I think that as everything we are evolvingand we have unprecedented growth compared to last year’s conference hasgrown by over 50 percent, and we don’t know how that accelerationcontinues and what will happen next year. All I know is that year over year,every time we do it, we see that there’s a dramaticshift in the way sales leaders are thinking about the sales organization.By that I mean this year the biggest change is the shift from operationalefficiency towards creating a customer centric enterprise.Brett Clay: Okay, excellent. So what is it — what are some of thecritical success factors and how do you define creating a customercentric enterprise? Gerhard Gschwandtner: Well, the bigchallenges for an enterprise to realize that the silos that stand in the way ofserving the customer need to come down. And last year we have talked about howto align sales with marketing and now we wanna align sales marketing and serviceand later we wanna align the entire company and design it around the customer.Just think about how many touch points customers experience in theirjourney towards buying. So they experience the website, the insidesales team, the outside sales team, the credit department, the finance department,the invoicing department, the contract department, the trainingdepartments, service, delivery. So the — in an average sale there are atleast 18 different touch points so what you wanna do is identifythose touch points. Secondly, associate each touch point witha metric that is driven by the customer where you know how you’re performing inthe eyes of the customer and not in your own eyes.And then you need to have a technology where it gives everybody in the companya unified view and vision of where the customer’s at. Brett Clay: Great.Well, thank you so much, Gerhard. Great conference and we look forward toa lot of growth and adoption as the world of sales changes dramatically.Gerhard Gschwandtner: Awesome. Thank you, Brett.It’s a pleasure. Brett Clay: Signing off from Sales 2.0with Brett Clay and Gerhard Gschwandtner. Male Speaker: The actuationzone.combrought to you by 2010 Brett Clay. All rights reserved.


Brett Clay joins Jim Blasingame to discuss some of the concerns of cloud computing, like security and hosting, plus untapped cloud opportunities such as backup and virtual PBX.    


The power of cloud computing is enormous for small business. Brett Clay joins Jim Blasingame to reveal how cloud computing has miniaturized processing power, applications and price for the scale of small businesses, while making it easier to compete globally.  


Michael Fraidenburg, president of “The Cooperation Company,” a consulting firm specializing in alternative dispute resolution, and author of the book, ”Intelligent Courage,” provides powerful tips for resolving disagreements and closing deals. Perhaps the best gem is his 3-step process: 1) observe the emotion, 2) identify the needs driving the emotion, 3) convert the needs into […]


Braden Kelley, author of Stoking Your Innovation Bonfire, and owner of the popular blog, Blogging Innovation, says creating a strong innovation capability in your company is key to maintaining your competitiveness in today’s rapidly evolving market. To successfully create an innovation capability in your company he says you need to start with a well-defined vision, […]
