Tuesday, February 18th, 2025

Hersh Shefrin, Professor of Finance at Santa Clara University’s Leavey School of Business, and author of The Management Illusion is a pioneer and leading expert in the area of behavioral finance. Professor Shefrin studies the psychological barriers and biases that plague human decision making. He says that “healthy” corporate cultures help managers avoid the pitfalls […]


Barbara Carnes, Ph.D., author, Making Learning Stick, discusses the actions employees and their managers can take to put training and development into practice. Barbara also discusses the role technologies can play before, during, and after a training event. Hint: both technology AND managers play an important role! www.MakeTrainingStick.com   Available in HD and full screen: […]


Sharon Wingron, CPLP, past member of the ASTD board of directors, and President & Chief Learning Leader of Wings of Success, LLC, discusses current technologies in training and development. She says at the same time that corporate learning and development departments leverage elearning technologies, they need to take care to develop the deeper levels of […]


Dr. Deepak Chopra talks about the “soul of leadership”. Dr. Chopra says a leader harnesses the collective consciousness of followers and he uses the acronym “L.E.A.D.E.R.S.” to describe crucial leadership skills. L.E.A.D.E.R.S. = Look and Listen, Emotional Bonding, Awareness, Doing, Empowerment, Responsibility, Synchronicity. www.Chopra.com Available in HD and full screen: Click Here


Kristin Arnold, author of Boring to Bravo, and the 2010 President of the National Speakers Association discusses the keys to improving team performance. She says a team’s performance is dependent on the flexibility of its members. She also says teams can improve communications by resisting the urge to use a PowerPoint presentation as the sole […]


[San Francisco, USA] Brett Clay and Owen Allen report their observations at the end of the five-week, world-wide tour of Windows Azure Platform University. It’s not hype–Windows Azure Platform really does relieve resource constraints and enable businesses to quickly respond to opportunities.   Available in HD and full screen: Click Here


[Atlanta, USA] Brian Metz, director of business development at Agile Thought, says business development managers need to collaborate with customers, rather than “charge in with recommendations.” Brian also sees businesses looking toward cloud-computing and mobile technologies to exploit growth and efficiency opportunities.  Available in HD and full screen: Click Here


[Warsaw, Poland] Globalization means companies from around the world compete for the same opportunities. So what does globalization look like from the view of a Russian company competing for business in the USA? Anatoly Gaidai, technology director, Aplana Software Services in Moscow, says companies must know their competitive strengths and weaknesses and define a unique […]


[Amsterdam, Holland] Andre Bonvanie, General Manager of Newsgator says social communication technologies are empowering employees and driving productivity gains for companies.    Available in HD and full screen: Click Here


[Reading, England] Brett Clay interviews Stuart Mair, projects director at Cognite, Lewis Isaacs, BPOS consultant at Content and Code, and Ted Shultz, business development manager at Microsoft after Windows Azure Platform University in Reading, England. These information technology (IT) experts provide valuable insights into how IT is changing and how both buyers and sellers must […]


[Munich, Germany] Schloss Neuschwanstein outside of Munich, Germany: Brett Clay and Owen Allen report on key discussion topics that have arisen at Windows Azure Platform University training events in London, and Amsterdam. The bottom line? Windows Azure Platform is transforming the business models of system integrators, independent software developers, traditional IT hosters, and the enterprise […]


[Singapore] Brett Clay interviews Stephen Betts, CTO for South East Asia, Avanade, and Radhika Nadadur, Business Development Manager, Emerio GlobalSoft, after the conclusion of Windows Azure Platform University in Singapore. Stephen says that cloud-computing and the Windows Azure Platform offer IT system integrators new opportunities to help companies utilize IT to achieve their business goals.  […]
